Owing to its huge following, the most-attended stakes race has earned several nicknames too. Some refer to it as 'The Run for the Roses,' an allusion to the drape of flowers that the winner receives.
Others refer to it as 'The Fastest/Most Exciting Two Minutes in Sport.' All this fondness goes to show why every sports lover should attend or follow the usually televised race from across the globe.
Horseracing is one of the oldest competitive sports, dating back to as far as 648 BC. For many centuries since then, it was a reserve of the wealthy, hence its nickname 'The Sport of Kings.'
It involves a jockey (rider) and a trained horse competing with others to clear a certain distance and jump over set obstacles.
Horse races take many different forms e.g flat racing, endurance racing, jump racing, etc. The rules also vary for different races. These include handicap inclusion, categories by age, and so on.
The sport has grown tremendously and has numerous events and festivals that attract millions of physical and television viewers worldwide. The sport has also been an attraction for bettors since its inception to date.